Pssst… , 2008

Drawing on organza, 13 500 x 5500 cm
Public work at University West in Trollhättan.
Commissioned by the Public Art Agency Sweden

“A drawing of enormous proportions, where pencil lines of various grey hues form an organic swarm of textual fragments, random words and interrupted sentences; where the text is drawn rather than written, thus problematising both text and drawing. Day-to-day events, existential issues and the most private sphere (her diary) – every thing seems to be included in the text, in the mass of pencil lines. The viewer looks for some kind of statement, but the words are perpetually heading elsewhere, they flow on, both in their reasoning and across the actual paper. But the reflections return perpetually to what is evolving here, the actual writing and drawing, the ongoing now…”

From the 2008 Year-Book, the Public Art Agency Sweden.
Text by Lars Blomqvist

© Zsuzsanna Larsson Gilice, 2021.